Related Services

Occupational Therapy
Our NJ school certified occupational therapy practitioners use meaningful activities to promote physical and mental health and well-being of our learners. Occupational therapy addresses the physical, cognitive, psycho-social and sensory components of performance. In our school, the occupational therapy practitioners focus on academics, play and leisure, social participation, self-care skills (ADLs or Activities of Daily Living), and transition/work skills.
Speech Therapy
Our speech and language specialists proudly serve our students as a team within the team that is The Therapeutic School and Preschool. Skilled therapists facilitate communication using evidence-based instruction and technique. Whether students deliver messages verbally through speech or nonverbally through low-tech (gesture, basic signs, pictures) or high-tech augmentative and alternative communication devices (tablets/audio output devices), our mission is to assist them in achieving their maximum potential. We are committed to helping our children be functional communicators in school, home, and community environments. There is no limit to what we can achieve working together. Students, their family members, our dedicated staff, and sending school districts all work in unison to support the special needs of our students.

Occupational Therapy

Physical Therapy
The Physical Therapist is an integral member of the student’s team of school-based professionals.
Physical Therapy in the school setting is focused on improving the student’s ability to navigate their way safely in the school environment. In school the student should be able to maintain their balance and stability while sitting or moving around. During the school day the student needs to be able to walk, run or jump on the playground; travel around their school, as well as respond to situations quickly and safely while keeping up with their peers.
The Physical Therapist works with the students who have various mobility and safety deficits using fun, targeted, play-oriented activities to enable them to improve their strength, stability and balance and achieve all their mobility goals to their maximal ability.